Saturday Steve and the crew worked all day and into the night to get the Pella windows installed at least to the point that it'll be able to keep the water out pretty well. They also put in the 4 sets of double French doors and the other 3 upstairs regular outside doors.
The front door is still an issue so it will be done later. Heritage sent the wrong materials list to Pella and the hinges are on the wrong side, so we're waiting for Heritage to tell us what they will do to get that straightened out.
The garage doors and regular exit door in the basement as well as the basement windows will also be done later.
The outside wall outside the dining room was stained the other day. There's one picture of that.
As I said, the guys worked all day and some of the later pictures were taken when it was pretty dark.
Here they are trying to see how the half-round windows fit above the dormer windows. They finally got it, but it took some doing.
By the way, the muntins are still in the boxes. They'll go on the windows later. They're the things that go on the inside of the glass to make them look like individual panes of glass instead of one large glass pane.
There is something that sticks out around all the windows that is used to attach them to the house and then Pella provides a tape that goes over that and against the surrounding wood. See the top edge here. There is a board behind the tape. The opening above that allows for log settling. They'll insulate around the windows later. On the right side notice that wood trim goes over the tape.
The picture below is of the 2 sets of double French doors in the great room. Since Pella shuts down their plant for 2 weeks or so during December to recalibrate some of their equipment (if I understand it correctly) they cannot get the fixed glass windows above the French doors ready until early January so they are simply covered with plastic for now.
Now Randy and Steve are fitting the semi-circular wood pieces that will serve as the window trim at the top of the half-circle windows. They had to be cut manually and it required several attempts before getting it right. They are standing on folded up stepladders that are just standing on the roof above the area outside of the dining room and just leaning against the dormer. Not the safest position! One fall and if they didn't stay on the deck they'd drop another 19 feet or so to the rocks below.
This is the part of the outside wall that HAS been stained with the honey colored stain that protects it from water, sun, insects, mold, mildew, etc. It's Wood Guard with stuff mixed in with it to protect against insects and mold, etc in case you're wondering.
This is a view of part of the dining area (to the left) and the great room (to the right). As you can see it's getting pretty dark out there!
Here is a picture from the kitchen area toward the dining area. The frame sticking out is where a peninsula will be once the kitchen is installed.