Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Basement bathroom plumbing and something else July 30, 2007

I went up to the property today to see if the plumber had come this morning to put in the basement bathroom plumbing in case we want to add the fixtures later once we see how much this castle is going to cost. If we come in with money left in the budget we'll do it, but if not we'll hold off on that till some time later.

If we didn't do it now and decided to put in a full bath later it would be a major deal since the floor would have to be torn up. So, we're doing it now.

I have no idea what the thing in the last picture is. It's on the opposite side of the house and it goes through the wall and comes out the other side. Any ideas? Tom? I guess I'll have to ask Scott the next time I see him. He's supposed to be there tomorrow, but Kathy has a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we may not make it up there.

The plumber also laid down the pipe that goes along the outside wall on the sides that will have dirt up against them so that water that seeps down there can have a way to escape. The pipe has little slits in it that allows water to enter and then it's routed to drains that will direct the water down the hill behind the house. I didn't take any pictures of that today. Aren't you glad?

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