Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2008_06_26 Moving day pictures of Rose, Merrill, and Charlsie

Moving day! From the pictures you've seen recently you should know by now that the house is in no condition to be lived in. Heck, we don't have air conditioning (and that's a requirement in Alabama in June), faucets, or even toilets.

It's going to be like camping if we stay there. Our plan, however, is to spend the next night back in the empty apartment (where there's AC, water, and toilets), the next night with Kathy's sister, Rosie, and then we have a week planned on the beach in Navarre Beach, FL with Kathy's family. So, really they have about 9 days to get those things done before we get back and will expect some more amenities.

This photo is Charlsie and Merrill looking to me for help while Sergeant Rose is momentarily distracted. They were all very helpful in getting things put up as best they could while workers were working around them and movers coming in our out with stuff.

Here you can see that there are scaffolds still set up as they work on the fireplace rock.

I only took 3 pictures total that day. I had intended to properly document the day from beginning to end to remind myself never to do this again, but it seemed that every second I was needing to tell some mover what room to put things in, etc and the camera just never seemed to be on my mind. Oh, well ... next time.

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